Hanna and Jill
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PFLAG Fairbanks
PFLAG Fairbanks serves folks in the communities of interior Alaska as a supportive space for LGBTQ+ individuals, their families and allies to come together, share experiences and work toward equality and acceptance.
PFLAG Fairbanks holds monthly meetings, supports a float in the annual Golden Days Parade and offers opportunity for education and advocacy in Fairbanks and surrounding communities.
Provide Support – PFLAG facilitates monthly in-person and online meetings.
Events – PFLAG Fairbanks supports an annual pride picnic, participation in the Golden Days parade and supports events and gatherings to build LGBTQ+ community in the interior.
Advocate – PFLAG strives to partner with other local and National organizations to educate key decision-makers about the issues that affect our loved ones and families, and to teach others how to use their voices to amplify our efforts toward a more equitable, and just world for the LGBTQ+ community.
Meet Our Board
Hanna and Jill